Радно вријеме: 10.00−17.00, радним данима

Булевар Станка Драгојевића бб

Подгорица, Црна Гора.

Jelica Stojanović: The development path of the Serbian language and script

Ознаке: тврди повез, 344 стр.

Jelica Stojanović’s book, to which this introductory essay is
dedicated, does not deal only with sociolinguistic issues, but also
with purely linguistic, even systemic-linguistic issues pertaining
to the Serbian language. The papers in this book, however, are
not strictly differentiated on the basis of this, for as a rule, they
combine topics from both domains, it is just that in some papers
the sociolinguistic aspects of her analysis predominate, whereas
in others it is the linguistic aspects that are the dominant ones.
Among the purely linguistic ones, the paper that stands out on
account of its significance is the one entitled Vuk’s Reform of the
Serbian Language in the Context of Two Principles: “Write as You
Speak” and “General Regularity”. Jelica Stojanović presents the development
of Vuk’s standardological principles through the clarification
of four issues: 1) the pronunciation of yat, 2) the use of
the consonant h, and related to it, the use of the consonant f, 3) the
(un)iotated forms tj and dj, and 4) the iotated consonants s’ and z’.